Nifty Knuckles

Early Jazz Band, Ragtime and Blues from the
Nineteen-Teens through the Nineteen Thirties
featuring Sax, Double Bass & Banjo. Music
by Scott Joplin, Louis Armstrong, Jelly Roll Morton,
Irving Berlin and other greats.
Warrior of Light

Luciano Rossetti © Phocus
An evolving, ongoing collaboration between,
dancer-choreographer Djassi DaCosta Johnson and
Dulberger. The base of their creative impulse for
the work is rooted in inspiration from the manual
Warrior of the Light, by Paolo Coehlo which speaks
to personal strength and poise when faced with
constant war and struggle. We live in a time where
we are constantly reminded of war, struggle,
inequality, and the rapid decline of mother earth.

Jeff Surak
Philadelphia/Brooklyn-based trio who first played
together in this format in 2014. The three musicians
share an approach to improvisation that is grounded
in technical virtuosity, instrumental physicality,
and a rigorous approach to form. Stated differently:
they climb deep into their instruments and play hard
to reward listeners for their time. All three have
performed with and been mentored by elders of the
jazz avant-garde. Each performs solo and leads their
own projects, and each has long-standing
collaborations across a range of genres. Their first
album, recorded by Eugene Lew in Philadelphia in
2015, was released in 2017 on independent cassette
label Already Dead Tapes. A follow-up is
Keir Neuringer: saxophone
Shayna Dulberger: bass
Julius Masri: percussion

Bursting from the fertile NYC creative music scene
comes CHASER . Comprised of vocalist Dominika
Michalowska (Nebadon, Angel of Retribution),
guitarist Chris Welcome (W-2, Mothguts), bassist
Shayna Dulberger (Cellular Chaos) and drummer Oran
Canfield (Child Abuse), Chaser is a veritable
who’s who of the NYC underground, and
they’ve been sonically pummeling audiences in
the city since the band’s inception in 2015.
All four members are indispensable for the
group’s distinctive sound, one which contains
manic and exuberant moments, all immaculately
executed and precise. They’ve pooled their
collective experiences in rock, noise, improvised
music, and free jazz.
Chaser’s eponymous full-length debut album
includes nine tracks of palpable influences that
bring to mind–the No Wave trance of Teenage
Jesus and the Jerks, blues drenched repetitions of
Harry Pussy, sludgy stoner metal of Sleep, wiry
guitar lines of Arab on Radar and innumerable others
– but ultimately Chaser is eminently modern
and inextricable from its climate of NYC today.

This noise project has been a crucial development in
Dulberger’s artistic path. Here she abandons
the bass to explore found sounds and electronic
manipulations with tape. Her collages explore themes
of nostalgia and commercialism by using samples of
R&B singers, Heavy Metal, Gamelan, confident
celebrity interviews, feminist discussions,
international depression awareness PSA’s,
grief management, hypnotism and television from the
1990’s. HOT DATE is representative of
Dulberger’s chaotic mind and sense of humor
for the absurd world we live in. Welcome and
Dulberger have been recording and touring as HOT
DATE since 2013. They have four releases on Talking
Skull Records (Montreal) and Babysunghxing Tapes
(New York).
Chris Welcome: synthesizer, electronics, processing
Shayna Dulberger: tape collage, four track,
electronics, processing